Wednesday, January 13, 2016

A Painting for Sergeant

I told you in my previous post about our home decor and how I'm taking my time with it. We want meaningful pieces that generate conversation. I've also talked about how important Sergeant, our yorkie, is to us.

Well, our dear friend from England paints as part of his living and as a gift last year he painted our favorite picture of Sergeant. I cried with joy and amazement at how perfectly he captured Sergeant's expression and personality in the strokes of his painting. We wanted to frame it right away but couldn't afford the $200+ price that goes with properly framing an important work of art. Our friend is coming back to the states and we really wanted his work displayed but still don't have the money.

One day, my mom text messaged me from the bookstore she manages and mentions that diploma frames are on clearance and are $20 apiece! I immediately said yes and drove straight over to pick the one I wanted. We actually ended up with 2 because we still haven't framed Jarrod's diploma from when he got his master's degree a couple years ago. Sergeant didn't go to our alma mater and Jarrod's master's degree was from a different school so I turned the matte over and BAM! $20 frame for our sweet baby Sergeant. It's not pictured here but I added a verse at the bottom and it looks really good. I'm hoping to buy a colored matte later but for now this will do just fine.

So I stand by my previous post and still believe in waiting for that perfect piece and saving money in the process. I'm so happy with the way this turned out and I can't wait for Jarrod to hang it up today!

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