Mini Lions (Cats)

What to Feed the Mini Lions:
I have a lot of people ask me what the heck I feed my cats. It always throws me a little because I don't think I feed them anything special but I figured I'd enlighten you nonetheless. I guess I'm doing something right because all 6 of my cats are healthy (not fat but they've got some meat on their bones) and have great coats of fur. I don't know if their silky soft fur comes from their gene pool (5 of my 6 cats are related) or if it's from a life of love, food, and happiness but I'd like to believe it's the latter....{read more}

Keep the Cats on the Farm

I get a lot of flak from having so many cats. I know a lot of people really hate cats but I've grown up with them and have seen the many benefits of keeping cats around the house. Now, I'm allergic to cats so they stay outside but they still get the job done. HOWEVER, it proves tough to keep cats around in the country. Between snakes, coyotes, raccoons, and other varmint, it's almost impossible to keep them safe and from not running away. I've had several people ask me how we keep our cats around so I want to share that with my readers....{read more}

Making Sure Your Animals are Warm: 

As winter approaches Texas, the temperatures are unpredictable. Actually, who am I kidding? The temperatures are ALWAYS unpredictable in Texas but from October to May, they seem especially so. In one day, the temperature can change 40 degrees from morning to night. We may start at 70 degrees, which makes for a beautiful day, but end up at 30 degrees at night and that makes for an unexpected chilly night for the fur babies....{read more}

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